“If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything”
1:1 or Group
So, what is coaching?
“Coaching is the art of facilitating the performance, learning and the development of another.”
Myles Downey
Our aim?
Through coaching, our simple aim is to support schools, leaders and their staff to improve engagement, performance and results.
The benefits?
Trying to define coaching can be challenging to say the least.
Instead, it can be more helpful to focus on the impact of effective coaching...
Our aim at Shine is to ensure that our coachees feel more:
Energised; and
Committed to action
In addition, through our sessions, we strive to ensure that our coachees develop greater clarity of thinking in relation to:
Solutions and/or actions to meet current challenges
Knowledge of self – in particular the coachee’s strengths; and
Understanding of others – their words, actions and motives
Why us?
The common threads that continually run through our client feedback are:
We feel at ease very quickly
We appreciate the use of gentle humour during challenging times
We really do feel that we can talk about anything without feeling that we are being judged
The offer to call at any time for a chat is greatly appreciated
We always leave the sessions feeling lighter, clearer and more positive about how we tackle the challenges ahead
The ingredients?
At Shine, we believe that successful coaching sessions involve a number of key ingredients:
Time to develop trust and rapport between the coach and the coachee
Active listening
Deliberate questioning to prompt deeper reflection
The identification of goals
Coach perceptivity / discernment
Giving developmental and positive feedback
No judgment; sessions can provide a safe space to ‘let off steam’ and express concerns / worries
Complete confidentiality
Time for reflection; there may well be awkward silences!
Our only agenda is the coachee’s success
A non-directive process, with no advice given (unless sought!). Coachees will have complete ownership of their ‘next steps’
At Shine, we coach individuals (1:1) and / or groups. We specialise in:
Headteachers / Principals / Heads of School
We also work with:
Deputy Headteachers
Assistant Headteachers
Senior Leaders
Bursars / School Business Managers
Middle Leaders
Heads of Department
Year / Phase Leaders / Teams
Core Curriculum Leaders / Teams
Subject Leaders
Governors / Governing Bodies
Newly Qualified Teachers
Office Teams
Learning Conservations
Our Managing Director was commissioned to work with the Surrey South Farnham School-Centred Initial Teacher Training Programme to develop a lesson observation feedback model for both Programme Mentors and Support Tutors.
The aim of the project was to create a feedback format whereby trainees were empowered and, where appropriate, owned their next steps; in essence, a coaching model.
Learning Conversations - Giving effective feedback after observing a lesson
We all hope that lesson observation feedback will affect lasting improvement in trainees / teachers; however, this may be curtailed if the feedback is poorly executed.
In the short instructional video above, we aim to clarify how we might use learning conversations to do 3 things:
To support teachers / trainees to:
reflect on their practice
gain new knowledge; and
improve their teaching
A learning conversation is a planned and systematic approach. It is learner-focussed and is underpinned by coaching, which is a powerful tool which allows the coachee to own their development / next steps.
At its best, a highly effective learning conversation is built on reciprocal trust which is developed over time, and through working together. It is developmental, not judgmental and can typically be used following a lesson observation.
We would like to reference two sources in the creation of this video:
Chris Moyse | TLC Education Services Ltd | Growing Great Teachers: Improve not Prove
Andy Ogden | Programme Manager | Devon Primary SCITT
Client Case Studies
"... As teachers, our aim is to ensure independent, self-regulating young learners. As School Leaders, the same is true; however, we also aim to develop independent, self-regulating staff..."
Having worked with many schools and school leaders using a coaching approach we often receive feedback about the positive long term impact of our work with schools.
The common thread that runs through this feedback is a weakening of the school’s ‘dependency culture’, with staff embracing greater levels of responsibility. As a result of our work, many of the organisations we have worked with have begun to develop a coaching culture.
For more success stories visit our testimonials page or the bottom of this page.
Get in touch to discuss how we might tailor our coaching support to meet your needs.
“…the best CPD schools can invest in…”
was £2,850
6 x one day visits during the academic year
5 days x £475 | One day FREE
Typical package:
1:1 session with Headteacher;
1:1 session with Deputy
Group session with SLT
*Mix and match as required*
was £1,500
6 x half day visits during the academic year
5 half days x £250 | One half day FREE
Typical package:
1:1 session with Headteacher;
1:1 session with Deputy
Group session with SLT
*Mix and match as required*
Option 1
4 x 1:1 Coaching sessions
Option 2
2 x 1:1 Coaching sessions + Group Coaching session
Option 3
2 x Group Coaching sessions
Option 1
was £600
Option 2
was £550
Option 2
was £500
One full day visit
Option 1
4 x 90 Minutes
Option 2
2 x 90 Minutes +
1 x 2.5 hour session (+ 30 minute prep)
Option 3
2 x 2.5 hour session (+ 2 x 30 minute prep)
*Mix and match as required*
2 x 1:1 Coaching sessions
was £300
Half day visit 2 x 90 minutes
*Mix and match as required*
(or any other team. E.g. Core Subject Leaders, Office Team, Year Leader Team, Support Staff)
2.5 hours + 30 minutes preparation
Common themes: Supporting teams in crystallising a shared vision through consultation. Maximising team performance through developing a deeper understanding of member strengths. Ensuring team members are playing to strengths.
90 minutes
Common themes: Distributing leadership and encouraging staff to ‘step up’; transforming an entrenched culture; getting the balance between motivating staff whilst holding them to account; overcoming resistance to change; difficult conversations; challenging under-performance; managing and getting the best out of different personalities in the team; helping new Headteachers to ‘hit the ground running’.
90 minutes
Common themes: Overcoming resistance to change; difficult conversations; challenging under-performance; managing and getting the best out of different personalities in the team; helping new Deputy Heads to ‘hit the ground running’.
90 minutes
90 minutes
Common themes: Balancing leadership roles with teaching commitments; developing lesson observation skills and giving developmental feedback; challenging under-performance; managing and getting the best out of different personalities in the team; helping new Senior Leaders to ‘hit the ground running’.
Common themes: Effective subject leadership; developing the confidence to tackle under-performance; leading change; helping new Middle Leaders to ‘hit the ground running’.
“Dave has supported me as a new head for the last year and I have found that support truly invaluable and worth every penny spent out of an extremely tight school budget. Through running very personalised coaching sessions Dave was able to help me carefully and thoughtfully ‘unpick’ what my leadership strengths were, and more importantly, help me identify where improvements could still be made for the benefit of myself and our school. Dave is exceptionally insightful and has a superb ability to make you feel at ease when talking about sometimes personal and difficult subject matter. His coaching support this year has really helped me to identify and make appropriate changes to our organisation which have greatly benefitted both staff and children. Dave has always been a hugely supportive ‘ear’ at the end of the telephone or email and always seems to manage to find time for you, in his incredibly busy schedule, when you most need it. He is also a great source of educational wisdom and honest, good advice.
I could not recommend Dave more highly and I am extremely grateful for his help and support in navigating the challenging road of school leadership!”
Co-Headteacher, Surrey